
Thanks you so much Balloonzy for adding The Cyborg's Daughter on you fab listy thing .OK that's a bit odd thanking you for that but it feels like a real vote of confidence and I can't tell you how good that feels. but as relatively new authors always get a buzz every time someone finds our work. Hope you enjoy the book. 
          We could hug you until our arm became as long as the orangutangs RK+Reb


Hiya! Thanks for listing EPIC.  So you are my favorite today, and...long story is why: the first time I ever logged onto Wattpad, I read a few chapters in an interesting story about a cowgirlish type girl who worked on a ranch and was in love with a rich rancher type boy. As it was my first time on Wattpad, I didn't save it. Months later I returned to Wattpad and could never find the story again, because I couldn't remember the name or author. Two years later, I  come to your home page and there it is, listed right beside by own book...I recognized it immediately by the cover. I'm so excited to finish reading The Way We Were! So...thanks! You have made my day in more ways than one!


Yep, you totally did! I try to be


@kcfarrah That’s happened to me too.  It’s so hard to find those books when you don’t remember the title or the author. I’m glad I was able to make your day. You seem like a really nice person.  


Thanks Balloonzy for adding The Cyborg's Daughter on to your reading list .OK I think I'm sounding a little creepy there but as new authors continue to get a real buzz every time someone comes across our work. Please enjoy the book. Thanks for making our day as writers!
          We hug you with an intensity known only for the religiously inspired RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener You're welcome. I can't wait to start reading the book. It seems really interesting from the get-go. Also, thanks for writing this comment to me. I've never had an author write to me. It made my day a whole lot better.