
          	Is anyone interested in beta reading? In return, I’ll beta read for you, and give friendly constructive feedback. (:


@BaloneyCheeks Would you mind reading my story? The Broken Edge Of a Fallen Lie


i apologize deeply for how long this is gonna be in advance. can you do dom foxy x sub fem reader? kinks: brat reader
          /brat tamer foxy, masochism where foxy carves his name into the readers thigh, rope readers arms r tied behind her back, choking. so y/n is being extremely annoying and loud mouthed to foxy and he has enough and punishes her for it ? :]


@sussyimposter6969 also a slap around the face


this message may be offensive
Hey can i request about the female reader oneshot thingy. Can you make glamrock freddy but freddy isnt himself that day so he becomes agressive. Such kink as spanking, rough sex, overstimulation and breeding kink. You were visiting his room to check on him but freddy suddenly pins you down on his table. You were confused about why he suddenly pins you down so you start questioning as usual with somekind of curse word. So he told you to watch your language. He was like in heat that day if yk what i mean. hes a bear AHSHSHXH when i say breeding kink its the breeding kink where he will fill you up till you cant no more. If this request is to much no need to write it. Im just typing what little shit in my head today. This request is not a consent thing more to force thing so if you're  not comfortable dont do it. At the end he apolagize and give you the best after care.


Absolutely I can do this one, I’ll start working on at when I finish the other requests. (: