Now for those who don't know, when Shamrock was first created, it was me and a college mate that were working on it. I had an idea, and she helped me with my story. What I didn't know is she had poached a story, lines and paragraphs were put into mine, and I was contacted by that owner of the story. I have worked like crazy in fixing that, so if you are finding similarities to Diamond S Ranch, that is why. And please do tell me what chapter from Diamond is being used in my story, so I can fix it.
That college mate is not helping me anymore, and my sister is also working with me. But I haven't read Diamond S Ranch since I still feel bad about what happened and don't want to accidently take things from that story.
From what my sister tells me; Diamond S Ranch is an amazing story. There are some similarities since it's a little sister story on a ranch but is going to work with me to keep it mine.