
@ChocolateAndSebby hahaha! OWL! :D


Have you ever thought of rewriting the other 2 stalking slenderman story or did you lose interest in it. I'm just curious considering I read book 1, 2, and 3.


@Banana_Rainbow that's alright thanks for even making them in the first place! These fanfics played a big part in my tweens lmao I hope your life gets better soon-- do you have any idea how long you'll be working on the re-write or have you currently put it on hold? 


@ahshtherewegoagain @DrizztTheReaper heeeeey! So books 2 and 3 will not be returning. Book one is being completely rewritten. I -personally - didn’t like the route the stories had taken as they weren’t what I originally invisioned for Cinda. I’m sorry I haven’t been writing but my life is currently a toxic mess, so it’s hard to find the time to do what I love. And when I do have time, I’m stressed and frustrated. Sorry about this. 


Hey. Is stalking slender man still going to be on an editing hold for long? Honestly I LOVE rereading it. Have been since I discovered it along with the other 2 sequels. Would love to continue it again but sadly cannot because all other chapters are hidden ☹️


@Banana_Rainbow thank you for telling me  and I definitely keep coming back to reread it many times. I can almost memorize a large sum of her story. Still the best one I’ve seen written on here. And go ahead take as long as you need. I’m glad you haven’t forgotten about it 


Hey! Well, it’s not exactly being “edited”. It’s being re-written, and there will only be one book this time around. But I will be posting another chapter soon. I’m so glad you enjoyed the story! Thanks for reaching out. I wasn’t sure anyone still read it so I’ve been taking my time. 