You had been staying at phineas and ferns house to help them work on a new invention they were making. "I call it the screwinator!" Phineas says as he screws the last bolt into the machine. "What does it do?" You ask. "Well, it's close to what its name is" He said. "Its a giant screw that can retract and shoot lasers!" He cheered. You turned away. I you didnt really like hanging out with Phineas and Ferb that much. At the corner of your eye you say something. You turned around and saw, Perry! Ah yes Perry, the only reason you ever hang out with Phineas and Ferb. You ran up to Perry and grabbed him, holding him close to you. As you giggled with glee, Perry had to escape your grasp. You see, he was on an mission to take down Doofinshmirtz. He kept from your arms and ran away. "Wait!" Yoi cried running after him. You ran behind Perry until you reached Doofinshmirtz evil incorporated. You ran after Perry as he runs into the building. As you reached the top, huffing and puffing, you saw Dr Doofinshmirtz. "Aha"
He yelled.. "my Unscrewinator will unscrew all the screws from everything in the tristate area!!" He yelled. Then Perry karate chopped Him and he fell back, landing on the 'unscrew' button. You hasp and hide behind a box but it was to late for Perry. Ypu watched as thousands of screws come flying at the unscrewinator. And you saw Perry limping his way to the unscrewinator. He had a a ton of screws stabbing him. He then turned it off and feel to the ground, bleeding. You cried and ran towards him. "Perry! Perry!" You cried. You picked his body up. His eyes were still open. "Chchchchchhchchc" he said. "I-I L OVE YOUUUUU" you sobbed as Perry said his last words.