
To all my readers and fans, thank you so much for reading.  I don't normally send out messages to everyone like this, but I just felt the need to apologize for not having uploaded recently.  I've been crazy busy between work and some changes going on in my life that I haven't had a chance to write.  Hopefully, I will be able to write some more this weekend and I will try to update soon.  Thank you for reading.  All your comments and support have kept me writing.  Have a great weekend.


I just finished reading Saving Arba!!! It was really good!!! I love how you expressed the faithfulness or our God and how you were able to convey the strength and peace that God gives those who are faithful to Him. His Love Endures Forever. Well Done


To all my readers and fans, thank you so much for reading.  I don't normally send out messages to everyone like this, but I just felt the need to apologize for not having uploaded recently.  I've been crazy busy between work and some changes going on in my life that I haven't had a chance to write.  Hopefully, I will be able to write some more this weekend and I will try to update soon.  Thank you for reading.  All your comments and support have kept me writing.  Have a great weekend.