
Alright, so to anyone reading Back Again!
          	I'm finally done with school and I actually just got back from AnimeNext so I should be free again. I do have work all this summer but I'll be posting something tonight. I've been a bit stuck on how exactly I want to proceed with the story but I have a handful of ideas. Thank you everyone who have been supporting me this far. You guys are my inspiration!
          	Please feel free to message me for whatever reason!


@iamdye of course! I went ahead and sent the email already so just check for it! Glad you like my story!


@Band_Idiot Yay your story's really good


Alright, so to anyone reading Back Again!
          I'm finally done with school and I actually just got back from AnimeNext so I should be free again. I do have work all this summer but I'll be posting something tonight. I've been a bit stuck on how exactly I want to proceed with the story but I have a handful of ideas. Thank you everyone who have been supporting me this far. You guys are my inspiration!
          Please feel free to message me for whatever reason!


@iamdye of course! I went ahead and sent the email already so just check for it! Glad you like my story!


@Band_Idiot Yay your story's really good


To anyone who has read or is currently reading either of my stories (What They Don't Know and You Made Me) will be discontinued until further notice. I wrote those two a while ago and after reading them over I realized how badly they're written. I will however continue writing and posting on here. But the past two years have been not so great and I've lost some people, weather to death or distance, so I doubt I will touch both previous stories again. I apologize for all those who enjoy my stories but I will be publishing stuff in the future. Thank you to everyone!