
anything you guys want to read? 
          	I have very important exams until Wednesday but I’m free after then so I’ll probably start on some bonus chapters - if there’s anything you specifically would like to see happen with Amelia, Xavier, Leroy Jasmine etc just reply to this. 


@NigelmarinaBurgin So I’ve been thinking about this for a while (hence the late reply) but I don’t think they would. Since their bad times happened because of their contract wedding I think they would be together always, but not married. 


@BanditLuva I wanted to know if Xavier and Amelia got married 


Subject: We want to license your stories and transform them into amazing Visual Novels  
          Dear BanditLuva,  
          I hope you're well.  
          I represent Wuri, a platform specializing in converting compelling stories like yours into immersive visual novels. 
          Your narratives on Wattpad have captivated us, and we're excited about the potential collaboration with a talented author like you.  
          Our format creates stories in a vivid, comic-like format, presenting a distinct and immersive experience, making it very different from the long-form text format prevalent on platforms like Wattpad.  
          We are committed to fostering a collaborative and rewarding partnership with authors. As such, we offer an 'upfront license fee' along with a revenue sharing model, where authors receive share of the revenue generated from their stories. 
          We are confident that this partnership could open up an exciting new avenue for bringing your stories to life and reaching a broader audience.  
          Would you be open to further discussing this exciting opportunity? If so, would request you to please share your contact details (email or phone number) to facilitate this dialogue (you can mail us at  
          Thank you for considering this collaboration.  We look forward to potentially enriching your stories with a visual dimension.  
          Warm regards,  
          Pratik  Team Wuri


Rejected was one of the first books I read up here and I’m sad to see it go, thank you for writing it tho


@BanditLuva rejected was on my must read list from a friend - I would love if you would republish!


Thank you so much! I haven’t actually deleted it just unpublished so who knows - maybe one day I’ll edit and re-upload it 


anything you guys want to read? 
          I have very important exams until Wednesday but I’m free after then so I’ll probably start on some bonus chapters - if there’s anything you specifically would like to see happen with Amelia, Xavier, Leroy Jasmine etc just reply to this. 


@NigelmarinaBurgin So I’ve been thinking about this for a while (hence the late reply) but I don’t think they would. Since their bad times happened because of their contract wedding I think they would be together always, but not married. 


@BanditLuva I wanted to know if Xavier and Amelia got married 


Hey there, just read all three books and couldn’t put it down it was so good. I was secretly waiting for dr Luis to be involved in a cover up of Eric’s death where he wasn’t really dead and he was planning to still get his revenge so ya got me there lol. Are you thinking of adding to it? Who attacked the altec building and is there a plot for her to avenge it? Will they have another wedding and babies? Does Leroy end up liking her?does she officially make it to number 1? Even though technically we all know she is. 


hey there, the Altec attack was just a way for me to get Amelia back into New York, i have posted a bonus chapter and will hopefully have a few more being posted in the coming weeks to tie up the loose ends  if that’s something you’re interested in<3 