I'm working on a series of short-stories based on TV show Pretty Little Liars. I'd love to read your opinions of it. One chapter is out, others to follow.
Give it a read and let me know what you think.
I'm working on a series of short-stories based on TV show Pretty Little Liars. I'd love to read your opinions of it. One chapter is out, others to follow.
Give it a read and let me know what you think.
Thank you so much for participating in the "31 Days Of May" fanback spree. I will be doing followbacks until 12 in the afternoon of May 31, 2014 to gain more followers.
Hey. :D Htela sam da ti kazem da mi se jako svidja tvoja nova prica, imas nekoliko gramatickih gresaka ali nije nista strasno. Nemoj da se ljutis zato sto sam ti to rekla, ako hoces mogu malo da ti pomognem oko toga. :) :*