
New readers and my regulars, welcome!! 
          	As always, I invite all of you to share your thoughts about my stories. 
          	Like something, love a character, hate a villain? 
          	Lemme know!! I'd love to hear from you all!!
          	Stay well and happy reading!! 
          	With love, 
          	Author, Moonlight. 


Hey Bane! Your BL stories are mesmerizingly good. It makes me so happy to find such an amazing and supportive author on Wattpad. The world needs more writers like you, dear friend! 
          On a similar note, would you be willing to help me with my academic research survey? I need diverse opinions on the Representation of the Indian Queer community on Wattpad and I'm sure your voice will add incredible value to my research. Or if you know anyone who might be interested in helping, that would be great as well. 
          It'll only take 5-7 minutes to complete the survey. 
          Your responses are completely confidential and the data won't be shared with anyone. Your consent is very important too. No personal identifying information except your Wattpad username is being asked.


@BaneMoonlight Thanks a million for agreeing to fill the survey! I am definitely looking for your very personal and unique perspective on this since you've actually written queer stories.
            Here's the link for your convenience - - In case you can't open it via this message, it's also available in my bio ✨
            If you want, I can still email it though...


@Gauravaaditya thank you for liking my story. My aim is to write gay or queer romances, although I see a lot of my readers come from the bl fan following, which is great in any case, since I am a bl fan too! 
             I'm happy to help if I can. You can send your survey to my email if you prefer. It is 
            All the best, 


New readers and my regulars, welcome!! 
          As always, I invite all of you to share your thoughts about my stories. 
          Like something, love a character, hate a villain? 
          Lemme know!! I'd love to hear from you all!!
          Stay well and happy reading!! 
          With love, 
          Author, Moonlight. 


Your stories are so so good.....rn I m on Ani and rudras story......but I have to take a break from Wattpad for a few days.....please delete mat karna.....I m gonna come back and finish your stories in one go......


@BaneMoonlight I agree with the first statement completely!


@IshikaShah7 Thank you!! I'm so happy that you're enjoying Rudra and Ani's story. Welcome back any time. My stories will be waiting for you. 


I just posted my 'The adventures of a dumb detective and his wily mate' for the Watty Awards 2024!! 
          I Know! I Know! What are the chances of winning? 
          Slim to nil? But doesn't hurt to give it a shot!
          Now I'm wondering if I should've also posted The Unnaturals 1 or 2!?
          Readers? What do you think?


@BaneMoonlight that's so impressive i really really hope that you win because 'the adventures of a dumb detective and his wily mate' really deserve all the love and regconition in the world.


Hi all! 
          In honor of Pride Month, I've  decided to post my edited, new version of The Unnaturals book 1 a little early. I'll not post it serially. In the next few days, all the chapters would be out. 
          This story is particularly special to me as it marks the beginning of my journey as a writer of Gay romances. So, it's deeply significant for me to be able to rework and put out a better version of it during Pride Month.  
          Happy Pride and all the best from your sleepless author!


Lots and lots of thank you for adding my work into your reading list 


@rudraso Yes, i'm reediting The Unnaturals book1. I wrote it when I was recovering from Covid in 2021. The version that's uploaded here never really made me happy. But newer projects felt much more enticing than the drudgery of editing this old story, so I kept pushing it into the back burner. I'm finally working on it now, doing the necessary research to make it a more exciting read. 
            Once this is done, I'll start working on a historical idea of mine. Usually i need an entire year to properly research and  create a version I'm entirely satisfied with. So, a new book won't be born before the middle of next years at the earliest. :))


@rudraso are you working on any project right now?


@rudraso it's just that there are many changes that are added to the story so I took it down all together and after setting it in stone i will re-upload it. But for the time being it is on the back burner 


Hello Dear Readers!!
          As always, I'm grateful for all the adds, the votes on the chapters and your valuable comments and feedbacks. 
          I'm here with a little announcement!! 
          I'm always treaking, editing, trimming or adding to all my books to make them the best version of themselves they can be! 
          Currently, I'm working on a deep content edit of The Unnaturals Book 1. 
          It's long overdue. I have not gone back to go through this book in more than a year while I was busy with my newer projects. 
          But, I'd promised myself that 2024 will be a year of editing and polishing my existing works before I touch a new project. 
          So, right now, I'm about midway through rewriting Book 1 of the Unnaturals series. Readers who have already read it would be very surprised with the additions I've made to it although the fundamental essence of the story, Avi and Patty's love story, of course remains unchanged.  Those who haven't read it yet, please give me some time. 
          I'm hoping that the new version will be ready for you by the end of June. 
          So long for now!!
          As always with heartfelt thanks for the love you give my stories,


          Thank you so much for following me and thank you for being my first follower. It means a lot i hope you'll like my work and thanx for your efforts for reading my stories. so plz keep supporting me and guide me your comments.and you have a lovely profile name. . Thank you so much,


@sushmitagautam639 most welcome! I'd start reading your books very soon. My ongoing is about to be concluded, just the final chapter is left. It'll be released tomorrow and then I'll be free! 