Heyy! I don't know if you remember but we've talked a couple of times on your YouTube. I just wanted to ask, yk I love love LOVEDD your ‘Say you won't let go’ series of Taehyung I've been reading it since the s1 and I was looking for it on this app but I don't see it, can you tell me did you not upload it here or is it just that i for some reason can't see it?? Or can I only read it on YouTube??

@chxoticupcake Hello dear. First of all thank you so much for your love and support for my story. Means a lot. And About 'say you won't let go ' it's only a YouTube series and I haven't uploaded it on Wattpad. I plan to upload another part very soon hope you read it and enjoy the story. Lot's of love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️