Congratulations to our Bangtan Awards 2010 Awardees!
First off, we admins would like to thank all the wonderful ARMYs who confidently submitted their life’s work, and same as 2017, all of the submitted books are incredible! All of you truly proved that fangirling can’t stop one’s talent.
Second, we would like to say sorry to Last BA 2017’s winners who we asked to pick their winners. We were doubting to message you because of our inactiveness. We’re truly sorry.
Third, for the ARMYs who won BA 2018 (Winners are posted in our Reading List “2018 WINNERS”) please message us, filling up the form of:
We will send the link of the badge as soon as we can. But of course it’s not required for the winners to use it. They can use it if they want.
Fourth, for the ARMYs who didn’t win BA 2018, don’t loose hope! It doesn’t mean you’re not a winner of our contest means that you’re a bad writer. Bangtan Awards Awardees are chosen by the Admins’ taste of writing. Please keep supporting Bangtan and never stop writing/doing the things you love!
Lastly, thank you again to everyone for being patient with us. We have been in a short hiatus because of reading each and everyone’s submitted books, and truly we went through a lot. But it’s all worth it, reading all of your treasures and for us to notice your talent in writing. Sadly, Bangtan Awards 2019 will be delayed but we will update as soon as we can. We will now officially close Bangtan Awards 2018. Thank you ARMYs, Fighting!
— TWITTER: @BATeam_twt