Hello! For the winners of 1st place and special awards who asked me to make them a cover/edit, I need you to be patient with me. I have to judge a few edits for a contest and from tomorrow almost every morning I'll be busy so in the afternoon I'll be able to make your covers/edits. I'll try to do a few today.
Thank you for having patience!
Also, if you didn't dm me the details for your cover/edit, please do it now. I made a list with your name, book, and I need to write the details to not get too confused.
If you have no idea what kind of details you could let me:
The name of the book you want me to make your edit/cover.
1. If you want the theme to be dark/light
2. What kind of background you want to be (ex. a house, a forest, etc) to be exactly, landscapes/places.
3. What characters you want on the edit/cover. How you'd like them to be (happy, mysterious, etc)