
So I’m not dead and just wanted to write this and let people know not to be alarmed if some of my stories disappear. Starting with ones like I Know and At The Distaste Of Our Maknae. As I’ve grown older my writing style and visions for these stories have changed so yea. 
          	I was reminded a while ago about why I started writing stories and stuff and I’m going to try to update more consistently and write better stuff.
          	Anyways much love 


So I’m not dead and just wanted to write this and let people know not to be alarmed if some of my stories disappear. Starting with ones like I Know and At The Distaste Of Our Maknae. As I’ve grown older my writing style and visions for these stories have changed so yea. 
          I was reminded a while ago about why I started writing stories and stuff and I’m going to try to update more consistently and write better stuff.
          Anyways much love 


With the recent breach and such, NaniVKookie has shared this link originally posted by @kinky_buttsex as a way to help secure your emails and private information


It worked for me so hopefully it’ll work for you


Your account is so pretty! And thank you so much for your follow! The support means a lot. I wish you luck and success on your stories!


@calicojeon Thank you so much for all the love and you don’t have to thank me. You’re a great author and I’m more then happy to support. I hope a lot more people see your stories. They’re amazing.  so stay cool and keep writing


@ShipCaptainChae Hello, I hope this isn't taken to offence, or me overstepping my boundaries. I am merely a curious reader who wanted to ask if you removed/deleted your story "Welcome to the pack" or It isn't showing up with the other books you've written because of a Wattpad related issue.


@ShipCaptainChae Don't worry I'm sure you'll get there. ;)


@AmethystUniverse1 Of course. It’s only right I told you the situation. Thanks for the little boost of confidence I suppose. I’m just trying to work on my writing skills so one day I can get as many views and votes and comments with solely my own work or a known collab. Thanks for not judging and understanding. I appreciate it.


@ShipCaptainChae Thank you for the explanation. I'm sure is was dificult and you didn't have to reply back to me, but you did which I appreciate. If it makes you feel better/ provides some relief I'm not judging you neither do I have a right to since what happened is between you and the author.