Rant time: Today when I told someone I was from Alabama they started talking about incest and asked if I do ‘it’ with my family. Like first of all no. Second, even if I did why the hell would it be any of your business. And third, why do people automatically assume that people from Alabama are into incest? We may do things a little differently in the south but overall we’re pretty normal people. And yeah there are people in Alabama who are into that, but that’s them. People shouldn’t make an assumption about the state as a whole, especially when they know nothing about it. I’m sure there are people everywhere who are into incest, so why do people automatically thing Alabama= incest? It’s total crap and the reason I’m so mad is because it’s not even the first time some one has asked/ made an assumption about me. At first I just tried to laugh it off but now it’s just offensive and uncomfortable. Like I know Namjoon said to speak yourself but some of y’all fr need to shut the hell up and stop making such insolent comments just for shits and giggles. Anyway yeah sorry about that