
this message may be offensive
I didn't die or anything I just went through a shit ton last year. But I'll try to at least get one story finished, if I can't I'll discontinue them


Hellllooooo everyone. Okay so here's what I've been marinating in my brain the past weeks. I don't think it's obvious but I modeled my two oc characters off of Levi and Hanji. The original plan for my story was it just to be a Levi based character shipped with Kiri and Mido soooooo I'll be doing that now. The very altered story will be found on archiveofourown of course under this same username. In a week's time the first chapter will be up


I wanna commit to my idea of a princess mononoke fic. Also thinking what my story would be like if Kirishima and my oc were childhood friends and he was added to ship instead of Riku. Should I post that idea on afo? Idkkkk


New chapter of Dragon will be out in two hours, stay tuned folks. It might not be good cuz I'm under the influence of alcohol 


@Bakugou5968 I'm good don't worry


@BaniZuku16 it's fine just make sure you're ok


I just want to say, I'm the worst person ever. Some stories aren't even half way done, I abandoned some, I'm not online for weeks on end. I'm surprised I get followers anymore. Jesus Christ man. Happy pride btw you sweet lovely people