So excited! My original book has almost 800 reads! Might not seem like much, but I appreciate every single person that takes the time to stop & read my work! Thanks guys & girls! :D
So excited! My original book has almost 800 reads! Might not seem like much, but I appreciate every single person that takes the time to stop & read my work! Thanks guys & girls! :D
Neve: Hi! *sings* We
Mitch: *sings*like
Scott:*sings* to
Everyone: *sings* Thank you for...
Mitch: *Hits his famous high note*
Everyone: *sings* Following!
Neve: Thanks guys your the best! Mitch the Neko (Mitch Grassi) is the one who hit that high note and Scott the Neko (Scott Voting) is the one with the runs and riffs! And there from...
Mitch and Scott: *Sings* Pentatonix!
Everyone: *Air kiss and sings* Good Bye!