
          I was looking through my library and wanted to revisit In the Mists of Honor but it's been deleted and I was just wondering why. I really loved that book and I'm not angry or anything, I was just wondering why the book was taken down. Thanks! I hope you write more books and I'd be super excited to read them all!


@_a1icia__ Hello Alicia--I'm sorry I took Mists down. I thought I even deleted my account here. I was going through a phase at the time where I thought my fanfic was silly and was taking it all down and I regret that.  Luckily, you can still find 'Mists' in its entirety here at Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7970410/chapters/18231175
            Thanks for reaching out and letting me know how much you liked the story :)