
Guess who's turning 21 on the 30th?!
          	Hint: It's me!!!


@BarnOwl265 Wow. OK, so I went out and drank my first beer with my Dad. Not gonna lie. It tasted like a liquid pretzel.


@BarnOwl265 and I wish you a happy birthday!


@Frisktheskelegirl Holy cow! Well, I wish him a happy b-day!


Guess who's turning 21 on the 30th?!
          Hint: It's me!!!


@BarnOwl265 Wow. OK, so I went out and drank my first beer with my Dad. Not gonna lie. It tasted like a liquid pretzel.


@BarnOwl265 and I wish you a happy birthday!


@Frisktheskelegirl Holy cow! Well, I wish him a happy b-day!


Hey guys. So every morning, I've been listening to these Christian positivity videos. One guy I listen too is called Marmalade Boy and he combines anime footage with scripture. He's really good at melding the two together. He's done HxH, Naruto, Hajime no Ippo, MHA, and Cowboy Bebop. He also has a discord if you want to check that out. If you're anything like me, both a Christian and an anime fan, you'll love his videos. Love you guys, God bless.


Hey guys, I've got some tragic news. James Earl Jones passed away today at the age of 93. A legendary actor known for his role as the voice of Darth Vader. He will be remembered for his work and mourned by his fans. Rest in peace, Lord Vader, you will be missed.


"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
          John 14:27
          Hello everyone, I just thought I'd post some biblical wisdom today and share some stuff that's been going on with me lately. I'm back in school now, and that means new schedule, new professors, new classes, and just a whole lot of new. This has caused shake ups in my life, and I started to fall back into bad habits. At first, I felt like I failed God because I cracked after just a slight amount of pressure. But that's a lie from the Devil. When we go to God in repentance, he forgives us. He understands we struggle with things, and he wants to help us fix ourselves. The only way to do that, though, is to accept his forgiveness and his peace. God is firm in his love, and we should feel calm in his presence. So whenever you feel that guilt or that urge to sin. Just remember to be still and remember the God who gave you peace. He won't let you down. God bless you all, and have a wonderful day.


I'm thinking of posting some drawings on my DeviantArt page. Should I do it?


@BarnOwl265 yay! I hope it's recieved well


@AyzaOnline My first drawing is up on DeviantArt.


Good evening everyone. Guess what? I've put up a linktree! Now you guys can find me on my other socials. Hope to talk to you guys soon. God Bless.


@empathyberry I do not have that either. I've got Tumblr, Pinterest, DeviantArt, and Discord.


"But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved"
          Ephesians 2:4-5
          Sometimes, I wonder why God loves me. I let my emotions control me. I have poor self-discipline. I have committed so many actions I regret. I've sinned time and again and wonder if this is the last straw. Did I just blow my last chance to get to heaven? Am I locked out of God's kingdom for all eternity? Does God  hate me?
          He does not.
          If he hated me, why did he send his son, Jesus, to pay for not just my sins but yours as well? To be mocked, beaten, nailed to a cross, and die? It's because God wanted to give us a way to go to him. For our faith in Christ saves us. So if you ever feel less than dirt. The worst of the worst. A coffee stain on a perfect painting. Just remember that God loves you more than you will ever know. God bless you all, and have a great day!