
My epic potatoes!!
          	I have decided to meld the last two messages together!
          	Read The Disney Games!
          	Love ya potatoes!
          	Baroness Raven Von Wilhelmina over and OUT!


Hi my epic potatoes!
          I was thinking about the Hunger Games (again) as my sister watched Snow White And The Seven Dwarves.
          And I thought: what Disney Princess would win the Hunger Games?
          And what district would thy be in?
          Oh, the random... Tell me what you think. 
          Baroness Raven Von Wilhelmina over and OUT!


And please excuse the entire fact that I should like a cross between a two year old and my age. I just have too much time on my hands to think about nothing.


Hey my epic potatoes!!!
          I have some big news... Okay, it's just news, but anyway...
          I have FINALLY decided to read The Hunger Games and I'm writing a fanfic! Finally!
          If you have any ideas, just tell me! I need good material because I am a terrible idea creator! And when I have a good idea, it is terribly executed and I abandon it forever!   
          Okay! That is all! Love you my potatoes! You rule!
          Baroness Raven Von Wilhelmina over and OUT!


@fezzesarecool frightens me...


You know, Ice. And I meant you.


There's a fezzesarecool and a fezzesarecool1011? Who are you talking about?