
Okay guys. I have a question. I have a story idea that I want some feedback on. This story idea is kind of a copy cat of the Mr. Brightside music video by the Killers. So, I am thinking of making a guy who is in a band. He gets a really sweet gig (or so he thinks). But this gig isn't all its cracked up to be. He finds out that he is playing center stage for a cantina like place where the girls tease the customers that come in... And him and his band gets to see it all. There is one girl in particular that is the favorite of the cantina owner and the customers. One night, the girl and the club owner get in a fight and the boy sees her and helps her up and whatever and they end up having a fling... But she is owned by her master, so to speak so she isn't exactly just allowed to leave. So her and the boy make a daring escape and they live happily ever after or whatever.... Ideas, comments, suggestions? Anything? (: 


Okay guys. I have a question. I have a story idea that I want some feedback on. This story idea is kind of a copy cat of the Mr. Brightside music video by the Killers. So, I am thinking of making a guy who is in a band. He gets a really sweet gig (or so he thinks). But this gig isn't all its cracked up to be. He finds out that he is playing center stage for a cantina like place where the girls tease the customers that come in... And him and his band gets to see it all. There is one girl in particular that is the favorite of the cantina owner and the customers. One night, the girl and the club owner get in a fight and the boy sees her and helps her up and whatever and they end up having a fling... But she is owned by her master, so to speak so she isn't exactly just allowed to leave. So her and the boy make a daring escape and they live happily ever after or whatever.... Ideas, comments, suggestions? Anything? (: 


Trust me, just because people haven't read your stories YET definitely does not mean that they are bad. The thing with Wattpad is, unless you take initiative, your stories will remain hidden. There are countless stories out there that are fantastic, but don't have many reads. One thing you can do is read other people's stories and provide them with thoughtful, helpful comments. A lot of the time people will be eager to return the favour. However, be careful not to advertise yourself in ANY comments! You'll get in trouble haha. Good luck!
          - Zarin.


Yo Maddie, welcome to the fabulous world of wattpad! My name is Mia and i’m an ambassador of this site. Just swinging round to make sure your having the the best possible wattpad experience possible and to settle you in and to make sure your feeling happy and content within our community  It’s one of my jobs to help out the newest members who have joined us as well as being a helping hand to anyone who asks so If you have any questions or queries just send me a message by clicking reply or visiting my wall. I’m usually around and i’m always happy to help so please don’t be shy! 
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          Hope you have a great day exploring wattpad and thanks again for joining our amazing community!! Good luck with your writing projects and Happy wattpadding! :)


Hi Maddie :) Welcome to Wattpad! I hope you like it so far. I hope you do decide to post your stories ... people around here can offer really great comments. Since you're a writer, maybe you'd like to check out the Wattpad Writer's club - you can chat to other writers like yourself. Anyway, have fun!
          - Zarin.