-Im Emily o.o
-Im a age you cannot know o.O
-In a month you will never know o.O
-I live in a land you have never been to before...I call it "Emily's land". Everything is EATABLE and purple unicorns live there :3 Batman visits often and we drink tea that the Mad Hatter has made. Lou and I sit and eat carrots while my servants bake thousands and thousands of pies. When Niall enters the land everything instantly turns to nandos. I only let certain people enter....and if you enter wihtout permission....be careful of my kittens cross crocodile. They seem to like human flesh.
-If you Batman, Kellin Quinn, Niall Horan or Luke Hemmings :3 You are aloud to marry me >.<
-Hmmm....READ MY BOOKS! Please :3
- NANANANANANA........................BATMAN!!!
- RegistriertJanuary 9, 2013
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