
I wish nothing but happiness and good things for all of you during Christmas and into the New Year! Be safe out there and try to stay out of jail!
          	I promise I'll try to not get locked up again by getting drunk and throwing someone off the roof! I swear! I'll behave!


I wish nothing but happiness and good things for all of you during Christmas and into the New Year! Be safe out there and try to stay out of jail!
          I promise I'll try to not get locked up again by getting drunk and throwing someone off the roof! I swear! I'll behave!


this message may be offensive
My lordy has it been a while! Well a update bout little oh me is somewhat needed I reckon. Work has been deciding that I don't need a life outside of it and I've been burned out to really write. Like i get my occasional bursts of inspiration but then its gone when I sit in front of my computer. 
          That's life and that's how it be sometimes. Work still deciding I don't need a life but I'm telling it to fuck off cause I'm gonna have one regardless lately. Updates will be sporadic due to my interests being split at the moment. Peace at Last is ongoing but something new is coming out eventually. 
          What could it be? My first Original Story. Yep. Original. Everything in it will be pure me. Though I am thinking bout asking the Discord for some help but any characters they make won't be safe like the ones in Remnant Viking. There's no shame in asking for help. Its always good to have someone or people to bounce ideas off of. They can really reign in your most outrageous ideas and help make sense of things you didn't thought of. So thats all from me currently!
          Stay safe and have fun! 
          Till Next Time Readers!!!


Hello world! Its a me! I know its been awhile! Hoped you all enjoyed the last chapter cause I sure as hell did! I miss Storm Wing still....3rd Company were brave and foolish lads and lasses. 
          Well I'm making this annoucment to say that I ain't dead. This current chapter isn't a...Fun one...Well for me at least to write. Things are gonna get hella spicy around there and I worry. A lot! Once its done we are in the final pair of chapters for Remnant Viking! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
          We're getting there and I thank you all for the patience that you have shown. It's been a journey and I honestly didn't think Remnant Viking will be this long! Back to it for me at least! So have a good one everyone and I'll see ya around!


Hello World! It's ya boy Author here! I know its been quiet around here. Really shameful I know! But work and family stuff gets in the way. That and I have to rewrite some important scenes. Scenes that seemed good at first but once i reread them, I found them lacking so it needs to be improved. Currently at 9.6k words and we ain't done yet! Hell nah! This is the Big Event! The Grand Showdown! 
          We gotta defend Atlas after all! We can't skimp on this! Not at all!
          Ruby: "I rather you did. It's...been painful. Really has been...."
          Now she's here....I'm gonna put her in a SCP containment at this rate.


Gonna have to split this chapter. its 7600 words and its half way done and Wattpad tells me it takes 36 minutes to read. Its fine. Just get right into the fun bits next chapter. Its fine. Can put more into the next chapter. We cool. Trust Me. We be Cool


Hello everyone! It's me again to fill your notification box! Its kind of fun to be honest with ya. So Update. The Chapter is finally kicking off. Getting into the action bits and some drama. This Chapter and the last few will be Long. Like really. It be a journey of a read. I know it can be tough reading a chapter that is like a hour or so long but I really like writing Long Chapters.
          It makes me happy and I feel more accomplish when its done. Sure one can say I have a Pacing problem but I enjoy the way I write. I may not be a popular writer but to all of you who follow or even just read my madness!
          You make me happy and filled with ambition to write! Chapter should be dropped in roughly four days but maybe a week due to work now that I crunch the numbers! We're heading to the end now! Oh how I am excited for the sequels that will follow! The stories of other worlds and possibilities! So thank you all for sticking with me! I'm not dead! Will never be dead! You can count on me to keep you all informed!

          You can also join some of us Heralds on Discord! We usually chill, bully Bell or Buzzy and play games together. The recent game is Worms W.M.D. We also do Barrotrauma and me and Blank suffer in Lobotomy Corp. I love and hate Blue Star.... 
          Till Next Time Readers! Again. Thanks for sticking around. Really Matters to Me. Always makes me happy that people are enjoying the story! Or not but hey I can take some criticism!


Letting y'all know right now! Writing will be delayed due to Armored Core VI Rubicon coming out tomorrow. I'm gonna be addicted so there's that. And yes Remnant Viking is nearing its End. After this upcoming chapter we only got Three Chapters left! I know it's crazy! But never fear! I got notes for nearly a dozen more stories afterwards l. So you guys and girls still have a lot to look forward to! We got Starwars, LoL, a WW2 story, Darling in the Franxx and even a Gundam one just to name a few! Even got a fun twist on Bloodborne. 
          So stick around won't ya!? We got lots to do if I want to get to the End Goal! Till Next Time Readers! May even see ya on the fields of Rubicon! 


I'm not dead. Despite most things. I'm not dead. My brain has been in full chaotic mode lately. What does that mean? My brain is thinking/plotting about stuff way ahead of where I need it to focus. It takes a while to reign it back in. Don't worry. We got it back under control for now. Writing has resumed. Remnant Viking ain't dead!! We got sequels planned after all!!! 
          So see ya all soon!! Next time on Remnant Viking!!!


@ BattleZealot  Chaos is gonna happen and not only in ya head