
If you think my stories are "boring" especially one I wrote over a year ago, don't read them! I didn't ask you to read them. Keep your rude comments to yourself. 


@BayleeBoo45 who tf would think that??? your stories are awesome


Are you going to make anymore books or r those it.


As of right now, that’s it! I’ve been messing around with other story concepts & ideas, but I’ll probably never publish them as they’re just random ideas & thoughts I wanted to write down for my own enjoyment. However, thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting! I hope you enjoyed them (as much as can be when they were written years ago when my writing skills were not that great ) thank you, again & have a great day!! Stay safe! ❤️


don't mean to be dat annoying person but please update CIL, the last time u update dat was august 27th, nearly a year ago, and dat wasn't even a story update. PLEASE


@ambroseaf yep im great, my preeing skills are top level , lol but um yay hoping to see an update soon


@ambroseaf You're good!! I know it's been a while, I just haven't had the motivation to update. I've been tinkering around with more stories, so I'm going to try and get an update soon!!