
《    ♡    》
          Hello dear ! Welcome to Wattpad !
          A place where you can pm, rp, read, and write ! There's some drama here and there ,, but overall it's a great community ! 
          You can call me Luna, Alex or Robin ! Enjoy your time here on Wattpad !


;; Hello-! Welcome to wattpad-
          ;;Where you can do Pm's,, Rp's (Some people do.),, And Read & Write-!
          ;;You can make Fanfics or Anime ships if you like writing them ofc-!
          Something like this: Demon slayer x Reader or anything of the above.
          ;;But most of all,, have fun-! And if someone annoys you you can block them or remove there texts. But you can ONLY remove texts when they are in your Messages-!
          ;; If you want any questions you can ask me-! Or all the other ppl here and ignore me- QwQ.


Quick tip when you are writing a message in order for someone to see if you have to tag them with @ and then their username if you didn’t know that just a little help


Hey there, welcome to Wattpad!
          A place of reading, writing, and Media interaction even tho drama comes and goes 24/7 nowadays.
          If you've got any questions or concerns, my message board or pm's are always open.
          Hope you have a great time here in the Wattpad community. ❤️


The names Ado btw, hope we can be great friends 


Ok lol and thanks 


//Hello, and welcome to Hell. 
          //Here's your pitchfork, and a brochure.
          //On your left is the giant solid Jade statue of our Lord and Savior, Satan. Some people call him the Devil or Lucifer,  but we just call him Lucille for shits n' giggles. 
          On your left is the infinite hole of wisdom,  which only an idiot would jump into. Sure, you might get unlimited wisdom, but you're also stuck falling for the rest of your eternal damnation so I wouldn't. 
          //Have fun, and don't feed the Gargoyles. 


Sounds like lots of fun lmao 


Hey and ik I’ve heard a lot about this app 


Hai there, welcome to wattpad. 


            Sorry, never got the notification, but you're welcome


Heyy and thank you


Your welcome and thank you <3