I miss you so much Margo
You prolly won't see this but that's alright
I just wish I had the chance to say goodbye
You were the most amazing nun next door I've ever had the privilege of knowing
My sister Mary, you'll always be missed
Life just isn't the same without you in it
Without ur smile, ur laugh, ur jokes, ur nicknames, ur endless love and support, ur care and kindness, ur crossword skills, and ur crazy-fun dances.
You mean the world to me mameeno, you always have and always will.
I just wish life would treat u better
Please stay strong sister Mary, things will get better, do remember, it may be stormy now but it can't rain forever
I really hope ur doing well and taking care of urself, please please take care of urself
And I hope u don't forget that I love you so so much mameeno, more than I can ever express or say to you,
Thank you so much for all the amazing memories we had together, ill never forget them, they mean everything to me
- with loads of love, gummies and hugs, from ur sister Kathy