
Hi~ Are you finding something to read? I hope you can visit my profile to read my stories. I'd really appreciate your effort to read, vote, and comment. I hope you'd give it a try. Thank you, and have a great day!<3


          I apologize for disturbing you. I am an aspiring writer, and it would mean a lot to me if you invest your time in reading my first ever published story. It's written in Tag-Lish/Tagalog-English. I would be sincerely grateful if you also follow my account (@/dizzyzoe) and leave a vote. I'm hoping that you would like it! Thank you so much! <33
          YVAINE BYLA (Sortija Series 1)
          Yvaine Byla is a 20-year-old college student who has a strong passion for dancing. She is outgoing and very cheeky at times. She shines brightly in her way but with all of the misfortunes that she's about to experience, will she be able to shine in the end?


Hi,☺️ if ever you're interested in fantasy, please give Unbreakable Thread a chance (greek mythology)  and let me know what you'll think ☺️. This story is about a God who falls in-love with a girl who died in a terrible accident, but because the universe loves to toy with their destiny, her future leads to where she had to take the  responsibility of being ‘his’ servant in the palace and so where their love story begins. Nonetheless, it's also alright if you're not interested  no problem