I'm working on another fanfic. I know right, geez, another one? Do you ever finish those things? Yes, I try to.... But give me some time, I will try to update my cousin's best friend and I will start a new one! I will probably delete my little drummer, because I don't like the way it turned out, so give me time! I'm also trying to not make my stories as cliche as possible, because I hate cliche moments, some are cute and okay and I might have a few moments that are cliche but otherwise, no. So! I'll try to have my story up soon! If your wondering, it's called My Personal Dance instructor, and I'm currently working on retrieving an old idea I had and it's called I fell in love with trouble, I will try to have those up soon, with my busy schedule though, it might be a little bit longer than I would like... So be on a look out fo those! Kk, love you all! (and apperantly, all counts as two people... :/