
I have a very amazing news! At least it is amazing for me. Oh, gosh, I'm just rambling in excitement. Anyways, as most of you probably know, there is a contest going on for Indians i.e. Your Story India, and I dared to take part in it. First round was about getting selected as one of the top ten in each category and (Yay!) The Role She Plays got selected for Mystery/Thriller and was added to their reading list.
          	What's next?
          	I need YOUR help!
          	Votes from today(NOW!) to 26th of April on the first chapter will be counted for this round and the more I get, the more chances I have to get to the next round. 
          	I need YOUR help! *fingers crossed*
          	Here's the link of the first chapter for ease -
          	Please support :D


@AngusEcrivain Thank you so much, Dan! I'm so thrilled! And thanks for voting too :D


I have a very amazing news! At least it is amazing for me. Oh, gosh, I'm just rambling in excitement. Anyways, as most of you probably know, there is a contest going on for Indians i.e. Your Story India, and I dared to take part in it. First round was about getting selected as one of the top ten in each category and (Yay!) The Role She Plays got selected for Mystery/Thriller and was added to their reading list.
          What's next?
          I need YOUR help!
          Votes from today(NOW!) to 26th of April on the first chapter will be counted for this round and the more I get, the more chances I have to get to the next round. 
          I need YOUR help! *fingers crossed*
          Here's the link of the first chapter for ease -
          Please support :D


@AngusEcrivain Thank you so much, Dan! I'm so thrilled! And thanks for voting too :D


Hey Juvi :) 
          Thank you for the Follow dear.  Nice to see you back. How have you been? 


@KanchanMehta Glad to hear so :D


 I'm  good dear :) 


@KanchanMehta No worries, hon!
             I've been here since so many days, but because of some technical issue am not able to contact anyone :/ had to follow again
            I've been great! How about you? =]


Hi again, Juvi.   I am pleased  to  follow back. I thought  we already were mutual  followers .  Best of luck with your stories .


@TerryP No worries, Sir :)  I've been here since so many days, but because of some technical issue am not able to contact anyone :/ had to follow again
            and thank you :D


@HardeeBurger Haha, Hardee :D You've already started making me blush. And no, being a Computer Science Engineering student, I am always surrounded by "Technical Issues" in and out of Wattpad xD
            And those were such kind words, I must say! :)


@HardeeBurger And I've missed all of you :)