Thanks for the follow, as well :D
Hello @BeaMedeiros ! Thank you for the follow. It's nice to meet you :)
@BeaMedeiros oh sorry, I think I misrepresented myself. I actually started playing WoW back in 2006 during Vanilla and have played all the way through but over the last eight months I haven't had any time because of all the writing. Interesting you mentioned about trolls...you are going to be in for a real treat :)
@ ea_carter whaaaat! You have to play one of these days! It's really awesome. I stopped because I also lack time, though :p when I play, my immersion is really overwhelming, I can spend hours doing it... It's great someone is writing about it, because in a way it cures the longing to be back at the game. You could also try and write about the races on WoW! Trolls are my favorite one, but there's the elves (blood elf and night elf) that are very aesthetical... Just some ideas so you can enlarge your adaptation ;)
Thanks so much for following me, and voting on Love in the Dark! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Hope you have a lovely day! ❤
Hey :)If you have the time could you please take a look at my stories and comment. Thanks