
YES - an upload! :o Hehee.
          	Sorry if you can't remember the story. :P
          	The next upload will be 'When She Remembered..' The vampire one, so go catch up on that one if you don't remember. It won't be long - nearly finished. 
          	Ohh, and i have the ending and possibly a sequal for Camping, but that may be a way off yet, so yeah. ;DDDD
          	Go read, pretty please! And thank you for your wonderful patience. I'll be writing a little more now hopefully. *Touches wood* xD
          	Love form Loré <33333. 


I'm not religious at all, but I don't believe in death.  Death is a very 
          beautiful thing.  I believe _that_.... I won't ever see you, darling, but 
          it's been very nice talking to you.  Life is very beautiful, you know.
          	Sheila Florance