
Thank you all and goodbye I’m leaving Wattpad. 


I appreciate the views the likes, I’m gonna be back one day to finish my SuicideBoys fanfic. My disease is just consuming me and I have personal issues that have come up. I’m trying to reach remission right now, Just yesterday I was at the er the pain has started again. 


Thanks to the one person who read all my chapters and voted on every chapter. That means a lot when people take time and vote. I had someone ask me to read their story in exchange to read mine. They legit just voted on a chapter not even read it, So disrespectful. I have a chronic illness UC and I just get busy. I’m going through a lot right now waiting on infusion treatments dealing with my illness kicking my butt on the daily. It’s hard to feel motivated to write when everyday your in pain. I hope I can reach remission...I love fanfiction and I do intend on finishing Falling To Pieces. 


I’m sorry I’m not updating Falling To Pieces. Like no remission for my UC, Than found out someone I love dearly is dying out of nowhere. I haven’t spoke to her in a long time or saw her because I live way from her but before it was because of people keeping back (long story) I feel really guilty found out she has been trying to call me, I don’t answer numbers I don’t know because I have medical debt and it’s usually them.