
          	God Damn it man. I don’t even know what to say. Rest In Peace. 


@BeanHam Never was a really big fan of DBZ. But man was a LEGEND RIP to a true GOAT


ask, will larvesta and pawniard evolve some future chapters of your pokemon story the sounds of battle?


I would like to see it in some future chapters of your pokemon story the sounds of battle


second and last question, you have already decided who will be the third pokemon that will join (y/n)'s team.


this message may be offensive
So, in your Pokémon story, are you planning a love interest? I’m just curious. (I am still going to read the fuck out of your book.)


Probably not, at least for the foreseeable future. This is intended to be more of an adventure/action story than a romance one. Plus I also kind of suck at writing romance lol.
            That being said, if I ever do get around to finishing the main story, I've tossed around the idea of doing a few bonus chapters. Those being a few romance themed endings with a handful of characters at the behest of the readers. Then again, that’s a long way off. So take that idea with a grain of salt.
            Thanks for reading btw :)


How do you find motivation?


@CringeClown It’s all good. I get it, and you don’t have any obligation.


Thank you. Also, sorry for being quiet for so long, going through some stuff, as well as some new distractions to help keep me busy. 


@CringeClown Motivation is actually something I struggle with sometimes, as I’d guess most people who write do. Personally, I usually go on walks in the evening, and try to brainstorm during that. Once I get home, I’ll jot down some ideas I’ve thought up, or try and write a few paragraphs if time permits. Some of the landscapes/landmarks near me have actually been used as more direct inspiration, like the river bed in the first chapter of TSOB. 
            Music helps too, though that’s mostly for fight scenes. I’ll select a few strategies and techniques I’d like to implement, and then listen to an OST or something. Having that helps me visualize the flow of action, and I’ll then try to build the pieces I have into something more cohesive. 
            I guess the underlying thing is that the best way for me to write is to get myself hyped up to write. Being able to envision scenes, and eventually a finished chapter in my head gives me something to strive for. Don’t know if this helps or not, but this is just my process.
            It’s also good to hear from you again. I thought you died for a hot minute lol. 


Which Ninetales form do you prefer?


I gotta agree, as cool as Alolan Ninetales is, just can’t beat the classic.


This is a tough one. They’re pretty neck and neck for me tbh. Both have cool designs, and are pretty fun in battle to boot. Any weather related ability is a good ability. 
            However, if I had to pick, I’d say the OG edges it out ever so slightly thanks to its absolutely majestic shiny. The silver color looks amazing. 


Today marks the two year anniversary of when I was nearly run over by a forklift. 
          In other news, the next chapter of the Pokémon book should be out around the end of this month. 
          It’s the longest one to date. By a fair amount too, hence the wait. The next chapter of my magia record book should follow after that.