I'm that chick that keeps all your secrets, calls everyone out on their BS, and isn't afraid to make an offensive joke bc it's funny as hell.
I love to read, but have no time. Wattpad is a great place to write and read more relaxed, informal (bc that's all that I am), and uncensored literature (but not grammatical) amateur masterpieces.
- My petty, hungry, immature high school universe. All that know how to have a good time and take a joke are welcome!
- RegistriertJanuary 16, 2016
Werde Teil der größten Geschichtenerzähler-Community
Apr 13, 2016 03:52AM
Shout out to @Neanina who was the first to vote on my new book!! Thank you!Alle Unterhaltungen anzeigen
Geschichten von JustCallMeMommy
- 2 veröffentlichte Geschichten
The Sparks That Ignited the Flame
When a young girl goes camping at the beach with her best friend Natalie, Natalie's boyfriend Mark, and Mark'...
+1 mehr
How To Survive High School
My personal guide to surviving high school. (Being a freshman)
#87 in survivalguide
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