
What?! No way! You can't of read that right... RIGHT? Well yeah, you did - Read on, Vote, and Comment to see what I'm talking about! 
          	XOXO J.C.


I'm back, with a new chapter in tow! 
          As you know summer break is coming up and in turn I will be returning my school issued laptop. 
          I would love suggestions for apps/platforms to back my work up that will work on an android phone and tablet. (i.e. I'm using Google Docs at  the moment) Anything would help - links, ideas, etc.
          Either way, enjoy the read!


I realized that I didn't announce it here that I finally got the 'Broken Locks' Christmas Special Posted!! Yahhoooi!
          So here it is! My official announcement that your guys' gift has arrived!
          Happy New Year~!
          ~ Julia Cooper 2018 ~