
Hi guys! Amazing news, I finally got my password situation figured out! 
          	I'll be continuing updates as soon as I get the chance :) 
          	Please send me any prompts or story ideas you may have! 


Hi everyone! 
          I'm working as hard as I can to try and figure out the password for this account so I can continue to update on it rather than transfer everything over to @gaitedsatan
          I have my account logged in on my old phone, however I find it difficult to type and have access to this device during the day. 
          I have an idea for a new story and can't wait to share it with you all either on here or on my backup account :) 


Hi guys! I forgot my password for wattpad and they aren't sending emails to me so I can change it, therefore I am making a new account. Thanks to a fan, I have the entire book for Daddy's Baby, and will be moving it there. Once I have everything set up I will let you guys know my @ and hopefully things will get back to normal? 


Hi guys,
          So both of my other stories delete themselves?? I don't know what happened to them and I'm kind of freaking out right now.


@Beatenandthedamned me too. I love your stories ! 


@808Kat God I hope I can get them back


This happened to another author that I read. I think something is wrong with Wattpad. 
            I hope you can get your stories back ! 


Hey I know you might not reply but just know that you are wonderful. And that I love you and your books. Mostly you because you're my role model. And if you do reply that is amazing!!!! 


@superman31547 Awe, I feel special now. 


@superman31547  I look up to you. And you are really nice to others. You're just amazing and really nice to others.