Murder is seen with such an insensitive lens. So is suicide. So is death. It’s been so normalised in popular culture that we forget life’s value. Murder is no longer seen as the ultimate show of evil. You took someone’s life. Someone with a future, with a family, with emotions. You are the reason they’re dead. You took it from them, and it can’t be reversed, it can’t be changed, it’s absolutely permanent.
If you commit, you lose out on a life. You can’t get it back. Suicide is so masochistic. You are going to lose everything, including all the good. The price just to lose the bad is so high. You will never, ever, be alive ever again.
Death is terrifying. You will never meet the people you love ever again, you will never walk the earth again. You won’t be there to love them, for them to love you. It’s terrifying.