
          	To all my readers that do not have notifs on for The Tragic and the Pure, please check out the newest chapter. I have a question for you all in light of the current circumstances.
          	Thank you & sending love to anyone struggling in this mess rn <3
          	Side note: Oops, I meant to post this at the same time as the chapter xD


          To all my readers that do not have notifs on for The Tragic and the Pure, please check out the newest chapter. I have a question for you all in light of the current circumstances.
          Thank you & sending love to anyone struggling in this mess rn <3
          Side note: Oops, I meant to post this at the same time as the chapter xD


hi BWA!! just wanted to say that i love your stories, especially The Tragic and The Pure!! the imagery you use is absolutely amazing! keep up the amazing writing!


            AHH, hello! I'm so late in seeing this, but... THANK YOU! That means everything to me <3


Next chapter of The Tragic and the Pure will be out in the next few days! Huge apologies for the extra wait, hoping to fix that soon! 
          Get ready for this chapter, the plot is picking up pace once more <3


Big announcement! The next update will be out by this weekend. The reason for the extra wait time is because it will be a TRIPLE POST! That means the following will all be posted at once:
          Let the Games Begin: Epilogue & Bonus Aftermath chapter
          The Tragic and the Pure (NEW STORY!): Prologue 
          Excited to get these out to you guys! Lots of love, and see you soon <3




The Technoblade one-shot is OFFICIALLY FINISHED WRITING AND NOW IN THE EDITING PROCESS! It will be out sometime this week, and will have its own book. Let the Games Begin next chapter will also be out sometime today. See you soon <3


Let the Games Begin chapter 37 will be out 2-3 days late! Had some issues with my laptop but it’s fixed and I’m working on the next chapter asap. 
          I know some readers get nervous when updates are late, so hopefully this soothes any worries. See you all soon! Lots of love <3


To any of my readers confused by the updates on old chapters, sorry about that! I just fixed a few little typos, nothing noticeable! Let the Games Begin chapter 31 is in the editing stage so hopefully that will be out soon! 
          The Techno one-shot is also in works and top priority besides my current fanfic. It's taking awhile since the idea I have requires a lot of rewatching, which is difficult with my busy schedule, but I promise it hasn't been forgotten <3


@BeautifulWingedAngel  take all the time u need 
            The fact that ur doing something despite having an entire life behind the screen is amazing in its self and I greatly admire the fact that u can manage to post stuff as frequently as u do :)
            Also my stuff is ready incase of another cliffhanger,  I'm not letting that go 


Question I could be wrong but are you Ezra’s dog in 4g0tmynames discord server?


No, I'm not that person. I'm an admin on that server, though.