These people be thinking these stuff in their books are REAL life . It's a BOOK soo if your reader don't like a person from a book or want a certain person with someone else in the book you shouldn't get mad hurt about it I mean you are writing books to hear people opinion on it right ?! Why write a book if your gonna get mad when people voice their opinion on it and say how they feel or which person they feeling in the book JUST cause they put their in put on a book DOESNT mean that's how they are ,act , or what they want in a relationship or how their relationship is with someone ... Don't get mad when your readers isn't agreeing with you on how you feel about YOUR book it's your JOB to get these readers in their feelings and tell you their opinion about your book and give you feedback ..and it's your JOB to keep these readers guessing and on their toes.. Maybe I'm just not taking this serious like these writers on here about their books cause I'm not the one writing a book so maybe I'm missing the big picture when it comes to people and their books on here I understand some of these books is based on real life stuff or even based on what some people go through in their life and the writers just want their readers to understand that but I just don't take it that serious cause it's a book . I don't know again I'm not a writer so I probably won't understand why these writers get soo mad when their readers don't like a certain person or agree with certain things with their book ..