Hello Hellooooo My Snowflakes! It's been a while, I know! But I'm back! I've never left to be honest. Just been busy with life and when it comes to my Mystic Messenger Fanfic it's just be hard to write believe it or not. The ideas work in my head but to write them down is hard for some reason but I'm still working at it! And, even though the Mystic Messenger fanfic has been a challenge, I'm gonna do something. Something more. I'm... I'm starting a Kuroko No Basket fanfiction!!! Yash!! Now, I know yall want an update for the Mystic Messenger fanfic, I know, buuutttt... you... you gotta... see... I... I have 2 chapters for the Kuroko No Basket fanfic... but...but...
but I have one for yall tooooo!!! Heheh! Did I get ya? Check em out now!!! OwO