
Hey everyone! It’s been a few years since I’ve been to this website and I’ve been finally getting the courage to write again. Currently I’m working on a new piece that means so much to me and I’ve been such tremendous effort into, that it would greatly be appreciated that all of you would just take a second of your time to check out! Thank you so much and have a great day! :)


It will be coming out sometime this week, hope you all can give it a read by then! 


Hey everyone! It’s been a few years since I’ve been to this website and I’ve been finally getting the courage to write again. Currently I’m working on a new piece that means so much to me and I’ve been such tremendous effort into, that it would greatly be appreciated that all of you would just take a second of your time to check out! Thank you so much and have a great day! :)


It will be coming out sometime this week, hope you all can give it a read by then! 


Those who are reading my books or stories, please be aware that I have not have time to update them all. For I am in such distress conditions that it will take time. Over my breaks, shall I be able to keep you all up to date. Do not worry I am still alive.


Hey! I wanted to know if you'd like to read my book "The Man of Steel I Love". I've published 2 more books but they're not my own. They're simply rewritten ones for the public to see on Wattpad (with granted permission of course). As to repay you, I will read some of your books to thank you for having the time to read mine. :)


Hi, would you mind checking out my story? I'll have a look at your's in return. : ) Hope you like it. 


Sure, I would love to! I am glad to read something that would be so original and exciting. In the meanwhile, would you mine reading my story as well? It's a series called the "Acteon Chronicles" the title says it all. ;)