
قولوا: احبك ، لحسن الحظ انك موجودة ، لحسن الخظ انك بجانبى ولا تؤجلوا لانه ستخسرون يوما ما ، و الصوت الوحيد الذى ستستطيعون سماعه هو صوتكم . اما كلامكم الوحيد سيكون : ليت.
          	Say: I love you , fortunately you exist , fortunately you are by my side and Don’t postpone it ; cause you will lose one day , and the only voice that you will could here is your voice . But your only words will be : would that ( I wish I could return)
          	~A turkey series (heart beats) said by the heroine 
          	~مسلسل تركى (نبضات قلب) اتقالت من البطلة


قولوا: احبك ، لحسن الحظ انك موجودة ، لحسن الخظ انك بجانبى ولا تؤجلوا لانه ستخسرون يوما ما ، و الصوت الوحيد الذى ستستطيعون سماعه هو صوتكم . اما كلامكم الوحيد سيكون : ليت.
          Say: I love you , fortunately you exist , fortunately you are by my side and Don’t postpone it ; cause you will lose one day , and the only voice that you will could here is your voice . But your only words will be : would that ( I wish I could return)
          ~A turkey series (heart beats) said by the heroine 
          ~مسلسل تركى (نبضات قلب) اتقالت من البطلة


"راقب افكارك لأنها ستصبح أفعال "
          "راقب أفعالك لأنها ستصبح عادات"
          "راقب عاداتك لانها ستصبح طباع"
          "راقب طباعك لانها ستحدد مصيرك"
          -فرانك أوتلو-
          "Watch your thoughts cause they will become actions "
          "Watch your actions cause they become habits"
          "Watch your habits cause they will become natures "
          "Watch your natures  cause they will determine your destiny"
          -Frank Otello-


When you are in a situation where your three besties are divided into two groups and they have a reason and they know that you don't know it while you know it very well... You have to make them like before and stronger but how??.. Their friendship are being shattered day by day... They are just like that while you are in between.. Trying to make them understand that you are with them while supporting the other... You will just get fed of that.. And will keep trying ... You have nothing to do more than saying " God help me !!!".


الخوف دا عدوك... لو معرفتش تواجهه .. هيتحكم فيك ..لازم تواجه خوفك علشان تقدر تعيش مرتاح .. انت احسن تتحكم فيه  ..و افتكر دايما ان كل دا مكتوبلك من قبل مجيئك للدنيا حتى ..
          Fear is your enemy.. Unless you face it .. It will control you .. You must face your fear so that you can live relaxed better control it .. And always remember that all of that are written for you before your coming to the world even ..