
Heyoo!! This story would be something new and challenging. Please give me your thoughts on this book. that would really help. Thanks :)


@BeccaJulienne18 Thank you so, so much for the vote on my 5th Hero story! It really means a whole lot to me as a writer to know you're at least a little interested in one of my works! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to spark a friendly conversation, please don't hesitate to leave me a message or a comment. I always respond A.S.A.P! Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the story!


@BeccaJulienne18 Why thank you very much, I'm glad you find it interesting! And despite being a guy, I've always enjoyed writing female leads more than a Male lead, they just bring in a stronger sense of development in a story IMO. Any questions thus far?


@Trishula97 No problem  i have been trying to find female lead fanfictions for Shield Hero and so far your book has a lot of chapters compared to others. I am still at the early chapters but its very interesting. Looking forward to reading the rest of the chapters 