
Currently Writing!


Hello little angels!!! Just a little note here-
          The computer I use to update my stories, (which is a school computer) it blocked EVERYTHING! So I can't update for real. I have two other computers but here's the thing:
          My regular one, is broken, and the other one is a public computer. So updates for stories will be pushed back further until I can get everything fixed and ready. I'll let you all know when that will happen.
          Anyways, still vote and comment if you can!! 


Hola! Gracias por agregar mi historia a tu lista de lectura. Espero que la disfrutes! ❤️


@LucyHiddle oh yeah I speak a little bit of, I'm a little rusty, lol


@FearlessLittleAngel1  that was really good! I thought you speak spanish because of the name of your reading list, LOL


@LucyHiddle su bienvenida , estoy seguro de que es increíble.
            (I used google translate, I'm still learning Spanish myself)


Ok, a couple of things:
          * My "AKA, School computer" Wasn't working and the wifi went out. 
          * I also have been going to bed early, instead of staying up so late.
          * Everything the past two weeks weren't going so well for me. 
          That's basically it.
          But, an important announcement! The next couple of weeks, I have testing, so I might not me updating usually like i do. Don't worry, I'm still alive, I just won't be on as much.
          Towards the end of May, I will be more available to be writing more, so just wait!!! Updates on ALL books are coming soon.