
So I've decided. I'm discontinuing all my Tokio Hotel fics. at the end there was no more passion put into them. I was writing to please others. If I feel the motivation to add chapters I definitely will but between work and life I've had less time to delve into fics and with the lack of love I felt writing them at the end its harder too write fics when you don't like anything you're writing so from now on its passion projects only from me. thank you so much for reading my fics and I  hope that some of you will stay to see me write fics I actually enjoy writing instead of forcing myself to write


@Beccuwu NOOOOOOOOO… but okay pookie 


i'm sorry everyone, I know you expecting more from me


So I've decided. I'm discontinuing all my Tokio Hotel fics. at the end there was no more passion put into them. I was writing to please others. If I feel the motivation to add chapters I definitely will but between work and life I've had less time to delve into fics and with the lack of love I felt writing them at the end its harder too write fics when you don't like anything you're writing so from now on its passion projects only from me. thank you so much for reading my fics and I  hope that some of you will stay to see me write fics I actually enjoy writing instead of forcing myself to write


@Beccuwu NOOOOOOOOO… but okay pookie 


i'm sorry everyone, I know you expecting more from me


Guys so remember a looking time ago when I was liek "updates are slow my grandpa has cancer." He died funerals next week life sucks but writing us a great distraction so updates will continue in the near future


omg I’m so sorry, i just finished reading and came on here. take as much time as you need I’m sorry for your family’s loss, miss you.


Sorry to hear about that! Take ur time! True fans will wait on you! once again sorry for your loss!


Hello I'm back and the first chapter of Not Dead has been rewritten the updates and rewrites will not be frequent like the original chapters were but I'm very happy end excited to make some much-needed changes to this book.


@Beccuwu I'm so happy you're back ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I hope your doing okay


I’m so happy your back!!


Olá gatinhos, podem ir dar uma olhadinha na minha primeira fanfic postada? Espero que minha história te desperte interesse!!
          Mia Monroe, uma garota orgulhosa e decidida que vive em uma minuscula casa com sua melhor amiga Amélia Ramsey em Los angeles. Mia tem uma enorme paixão por guitarras, tanto que trabalha em uma loja de instrumentos, ela havia se apaixonado por uma em especifica, uma guitarra vermelha que ficava pendurada no alto de uma parede juntamente com as outras centenas de guitarras da loja na qual trabalhava e que também havia virado alvo do olhar de outra pessoa.


Hi guys, so this is a much more serious post than normal. I've had an increasing issue where people are posting my fics on TikTok without my permission. It was fine when it was one but it's happened several times in the last week. I'm so lucky my mutuals keep telling me or I'd never even be aware that this is happening. It's okay to want to make fun of my fics or share them with people but please ask me first. I work really hard on these fics and have spent months on them. Just please ask.


Your story is really good I like it and so many people do those people that spread it around in that way are trash and disgusting you should report their accounts


@Beccuwu bro idk what theyre making fun of I love your storys sm their so good and they shouldnt even be posting those screenshots in the first place