I know I keep putting my writing off, but a I've just gone through a breakup and I'm trying tkbget my life together. I'll be back at it again soon, I just need some healing time. I hope you all understand.
I know I keep putting my writing off, but a I've just gone through a breakup and I'm trying tkbget my life together. I'll be back at it again soon, I just need some healing time. I hope you all understand.
I'm sorry I've been slacking lately. I've been super busy lately and then I'm going away for a week on the 5th. Hopefully I can get some writing done on the plane. But I will try to get back into a schedule as soon as I can.
I've reached 1.3K reads! This may not seem like a lot to anybody else, but I'm actually pretty shocked haha. Thank you to everybody that has been leaving votes for my story!
Working in a new chapter, hopefully it'll make somebody laugh I'll be posting it sometime tonight. And thanks to everybody who's be keeping up with my story and those of you who have voted