
Hello my lovelies fans? i hope you all are doing ok and just a little message as i have not posted comments on here in ages? i have been working on a lot more stories lately so some new of my books coming to wattpad pretty soon.
          	i will keep you posted 
          	Becky J Graham


Hello my lovelies fans? i hope you all are doing ok and just a little message as i have not posted comments on here in ages? i have been working on a lot more stories lately so some new of my books coming to wattpad pretty soon.
          i will keep you posted 
          Becky J Graham


Just published chapter 8 of my book Unforgettable spirit on here, go check it out and let me know what you think of it and chapter 9 and 10 are on the way so stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for more chapters and some of my other new books on my wattpad page 
          Becky J Graham (Author) 


          I've got ideas after ideas after ideas all in my head and I've been writing more and more new stories/books these few weeks and before I forget more Chapters to my book UNFORGETABLE SPIRIT will be published soon and my chapters get more and more excited and I will keep you lovely lot posted thanks
          Author-Becky. J. Graham 


Hey peeps! I in the middle of writing More new chapters for my books unforgettable spirit and The watcher in the shadow's so they will be up in few more days/weeks. 
          So stay turned and look out for them chapters and also I'm writing a brand new book at the moment as well but I'm not going tell you all what it's called just yet until it get published 
          Love you all from 