Hey there! Just have to say that I am really enjoying your story (I mean, the horror side of it is hard to read, but it’s really well written)! I can’t wait to finish it and I hope that you continue posting books! Have a great day!

@BecomingStar No need to thank me since it's true! I'm glad that my words could made you happy! I don't understand how you don't have more followers, I swear. (I'm also glad that you didn't seem to mind my wonky comments). You did awesome to finish writing the book that you did! I really enjoyed it a lot. I am excited to hear that you are working on another piece! I'll have to check that out as well whenever you drop it. I'll definitely stay tuned, no worries! Also, just so you know, you're welcome to drop a message anytime. Won't bother me at all! Have a great day! <3

@4everSherlocked Oh dear, thank you so much for reaching out and sharing such kind words! It truly does mean a lot to me. <3 I am still shocked that I wrote such a macabre piece, as someone who has a hard time with horror genres myself. I really don't know what got into me... haha. But I am thankful to have finally FINISHED something and am able to share it here. Even though it is just a short story, it has sparked a newfound motivation within me to continue writing! Reading your comments has really helped that spark grow! (And it's only been two days lol) I am currently working on another piece I had started a while back but stepped away from when I started to feel discouraged. It is something that has been on my mind constantly, and I'm always thinking of new plot points regarding it, but I could never sit down and execute my thoughts. This will be a more "full length" book when it is done. I just can't guarantee anything as I am trying to treat my writing time with kindness and patience for now so that I can rebuild my relationship with it in a healthy way. I am also hoping to post another short story around Christmas time! A little "Christmas Special" if you will! So definitely stay tuned! And again, thank you so much!! <3 <3