i posted 6 parts to a new story up. I am hoping this helps with my writters block. Sorry it took so long to post anything lately!!! I have had mega writter's block!!! So, I started a new story to hopefully help. I am thinking about making it into a fanfiction but very unsure. Please let me know what your thoughts are. It would be greatly appreciated <3 Have an amazing day fellow Crafters :D

Oh, I know lol I very much know. I think it would be funny to pull a gun on them only for them not to fight back and Dean getting extremely mad lolol

@BrandiBeecraft Just a thought. Sam and Dean consider the Twilight vampires douchebags. Season 6. They would kill them without hesitation. lol

@Jensenfan1978 thank you, I have been debating. I was thinking a cross over of spn and twilight since I really hated how twilight ended if I where to do a cross over fanfiction. Changing the twilight story a bit and add back stories to some characters