
Hi I’m back to clear up some things :)
          	I know i said that CH1 of TSF would be out quite soon but it never did. At the time of saying that, it was a day where I had felt incredibly motivated and thought that I could have written an 8000+ word chapter. However since then both my mental and physical health have gone really down hill and I have been struggling for a while, so since then I have been trying to focus on mental health and school before I start to write properly.
          	As soon as I feel as if I can write I promise I will, I just cant find the mental strength and motivation to right now…
          	I hope some of you understand :)


Just focus on getting better we’ll be here when you get back


Hi I’m back to clear up some things :)
          I know i said that CH1 of TSF would be out quite soon but it never did. At the time of saying that, it was a day where I had felt incredibly motivated and thought that I could have written an 8000+ word chapter. However since then both my mental and physical health have gone really down hill and I have been struggling for a while, so since then I have been trying to focus on mental health and school before I start to write properly.
          As soon as I feel as if I can write I promise I will, I just cant find the mental strength and motivation to right now…
          I hope some of you understand :)


Just focus on getting better we’ll be here when you get back


Hey guys! not doing to well lately and have not been able to write, TSF will be out when its finished i promise but you'll just have to wait a bit longer. Sorry...


@Beeniieee Take as much time as you need! You have to take care of yourself before doing anything for anyone else! <3


Hi guys! First re-written chapter of The Silver Flame will be published by March 10th, Thank you guys for being patient with me :)
          - Beenie


@Beeniieee yas! Honestly...You my new best friend now OwO i just think Helia should get more credit ya know


@Azarath_Playz I was actually planning on making another Winx x reader with Helia as the main love interest after I've finished one of the two fanfic's I'm currently writing (Silver Flame being one of them). So keep your eye open for a Helia x reader early next year :)


@Beeniieee OwO well then if your up for suggestions i'm still routing for Helia (UwU) he just- doesn't get credit to much like there are just a small quantity of one shot of the specialist x reader and most of them are Sky, Riven, Brandon etc. But i  can only see 1-3 Helia one shot per book so yeah imma route for Helia OwO


Hey guys! So I'm guessing most of you made your way over from my other account where I was originally writing The Silver Flame (Winx x Reader). I was reading through my comments and saw someone wondering who was the main love interest, it was supposed to be Riven at first but I've started thinking about other options. Reply with who you think should be the main love interest should be and the one with the most votes will win!


@ddru6b Hi! Thanks for the suggestion, I would love to make an OC!Specialist but the first chapter is almost finished and it's clear who the love interest is. However if I can find the time in-between college and life I will look into making short stories of Winx characters and Winx OC one shots so look out for those maybe after I have finished writing S3 of The Silver Flame. Thank you so much for the support and I hope you enjoy what I write!